Japanese Egg Sandwich (Tamago Sando)
Like many people out there, I miss traveling more than anything during these uncertain times. While I never took any of my vacations for granted, I never imagined having this luxury suddenly taken away. At the same time, I'm very aware of how fortunate I am to have seen at least some parts of the world prior to the pandemic.
One of my favorite places ever traveled to is Japan! It is incredibly unique and rich with history. Bonus: Japan also gave me the BEST food experience. Everything I ate was always perfectly prepped, perfectly cooked, and perfectly cut/styled. Even their 7-11 had some of the best sandwiches I ever had (random, I know). Every time I came across one or saw convenient stores at the train stations, the one thing I'd hunt for were for egg sandwiches (tamago sando). They are so simple yet, for some odd reason, the best only in Japan. While I can't replicate their version exactly, I make Japanese egg sandwiches from time to time to reminisce on my time there.
It's important to try to find the best quality eggs and to specifically use shokupan (Japanese bread) for your sandwich! You can try to find this bread at a local Japanese market. If you don't live near one, you can try using Hawaiian bread or an alternative sliced bread with a semi sweeter taste.
Hopefully one day I can visit Japan again! Until then...

Japanese Egg Sandwich (Tamago Sando)
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 10 min
Yields: 1 serving
3 eggs
2 tbsp Kewpie mayonnaise
1/8 tsp salt
2 slices of Shokupan bread (Substitute: Hawaiian sweet bread)
Unsalted butter (softened)
Optional: 1 tsp dashi
Place eggs in a small pot of water (making sure eggs are fully submerged). Turn on medium high heat until water begins to boil. Cover pot with a lid and turn off heat. Let sit for about 10 minutes (or longer for a more 'hard boiled' finish).
Once eggs have sat for about 10 minutes, place them in a bath of cold water/ice.
While eggs are cooling, spread both slices with unsalted butter. Toast bread.
Crack eggs to peel, and run under cold water.
Cut the eggs into small pieces and place into a bowl. Note: If you want to have a whole boiled egg in the middle of the sandwich (like pictured), set aside one egg.
In the bowl of eggs, add Kewpie mayonnaise and salt. Optional: Add dashi (if you happen already have some). Mix all ingredients together evenly. Spread all onto one side of one toast.
If you set aside a whole egg, make a 'crater' in the middle of the spread to make space for the egg. Place the whole egg into the 'crater.'
Place second slice of bread over the original. Cut down the middle, eat, and enjoy!